Ford Transit Versalift Eurotel 36NF

Boom specification:
• Working height: 12.5m (41ft)
• Outreach limit: 6m (20ft) from front of van
Outreach only 3m from back of van
• Load capacity: 230kg (507lbs)
• Working width: 2.80m (9ft 3”)
• 360 degree boom rotation
Vehicle chassis:
• Ford Transit T350
• 3500kg GVW
• 300kg storage capacity
Travel dimensions:
• Stowed height: 3.48m (11ft 5”)
• Stowed width: 2.20m (7ft 3”)
• Stowed length: 7.26m (23ft 10”)
Boom specification:
• Working height: 12.5m (41ft)
• Outreach limit: 6.7m (22ft) from front of van
Outreach only 3m from back of van
• Load capacity: 230kg (507lbs)
• Working width: 2.80m (9ft 3”)
• 360 degree boom rotation
Vehicle chassis:
• Ford Transit T350
• 3500kg GVW
• 300kg storage capacity
Travel dimensions:
• Stowed height: 3.48m (11ft 5”)
• Stowed width: 2.20m (7ft 3”)
• Stowed length: 7.26m (23ft 10”)

Powered access with Platforms
Specifications | Versalift ET36 NF |
Max Working Height | 12.5 Metres |
Max Reach Horizontal (from side of vehicle) | 6 Metres |
Cage Basket Capacity | 200 KGS |
Max Width When Set Up | 2.4 Metres |
GVW | 3.5 Ton |
Cage Rotate | None |
Maximum Travel Height | 3.2 Metres |
Maximum travel Width | 2.1 Metres |
Powered access delivers a real alternative to traditional at height access that’s typically static, with equipment taking time to erect and dismantle.
With a van mounted cherry picker available from ourselfs, we can deliver the benefit of mobility:complete one job, then simply move your powered access platform on to the next.
• Baskets can stay flush to larger surface areas with need to keep setting up and down.
• Outriggers enable working on gradients that non-jacking self propelled platforms can’t manage.
• Footprints that, even with outriggers deployed fit easily within a standard car park space.
Please ensure that the truck mount you wish to use will be adequate both in terms of the maximum working height you need along with the maximum outreach required.
It should also be noted that our machines are designed as platforms for people to work at height with light loads (see restriction in basket) and should, under no circumstances be used as materials hoists.
Any infringement of this will be placing the vehicle out of its designed parameters and other than potentially damaging the machine will place yourselves and anyone in proximity of the machine in grave danger. If Elavationz is made aware of this abuse then the machine will immediately confiscated, the HSE, relevant trade bodies and potentially the police will be notified. If you wish to understand any further issues concerning proper/improper usage of platforms please go to
When considering a truck mounted cherry picker, think about site specific issues including access to site:• ground conditions – does working include gradients?
• adequate ventilation if working internally
• overhead obstructions including powerlines
• any site permission you may need to work (including full or partial road closures)
It’s worth checking with the end client if there are site specific regulations you must adhere to including onsite Health & Safety Inductions and whether they stipulate that users of van mount cherry pickers need IPAF certification. Though we regret that we cannot provide on-site site surveys as a matter of course however, we will be more than happy to carry out a survey based on site pictures or drawings and in most cases the right powered access platform can be determined with the use of “ google street view ” contact our site surveyor on 07973 860612.
Weather conditions
Please be mindful of the weather and if you feel that your hire will be impaired then don’t hesitate to contact as soon as you can (see our Cancellation Policy).
Elavationz recommends that its truck mounts are used:
• Ground Conditions: On concrete, tarmac or hardcore based surfaces or on very well drained level ground conditions. Please be aware that obviously heavy rain may compromise this surface and site inspection on the day should be made in advance of usage to check for water logging.
• When using in snow the ground must be cleared to determine a safe position for the outrigger deployment.
• Wind Speed: Generally it is accepted that the maximum wind speed in which an operator can work comfortably, is 12.5 m/s (28 mph).
Wind speed can be measured with a hand held anemometer and estimated using the Beaufort Scale of Wind Force of 6 ( which as a rule of thumb can be ascertained when large tree branches are in motion.) Please note, it is very important to realise that wind speed increases with height and may be 50% greater at a height of 20 metres above ground level.
You should be aware of the shielding and funnelling effects of high buildings which may cause high wind speeds on days when the wind speed in open areas is low. Other sources of local high wind speed to consider are aircraft slipstreams at airports and high sided vehicles on motorways.
Additional care must be taken when handling building cladding, sheet materials, panels and other such materials which can act as “sails” and seriously affect the stability of a MEWP, especially in gusty wind conditions. For the same reason, signboards and the like must not be applied even temporarily to the platform
Cancellation policy
In the event of cancelling an order Elavationz must be notified the day prior to hire (cancellations for Mondays need to be received the Friday prior) no later than 4.30pm. Cancellation later than this will be subject to a fixed price cancellation fee of £100 Licences/Tests/Insurance
All our vehicles are Fully insured both for Road use and Full Public liability.
All carry valid MOT & LOLER Certificates
All our operators hold a Valid Drivers licence & IPAF Licences
What is IPAF
The International Powered Access Federation (IPAF) promotes the safe and effective use of powered access worldwide. Set up in 1983, IPAF is not-for-profit members’ organisation that represents the interests of manufacturers, distributors, users, rental and training companies. It serves as a forum for all active in the world of powered access. IPAF has played a key role in promoting many of the design, safety and testing procedures that are now established in the powered access industry.
The IPAF training programme for platform operators is certified by TÜV as conforming to ISO 18878. More than 100,000 operators are trained each year through a worldwide network of over 600 training centres. Training in the US is managed by IPAF’s North American subsidiary, AWPT Inc. Training generally lasts one to two days and is a mixture of theory and practice. PAL Card those who successfully complete IPAF training are awarded the PAL Card (Powered Access Licence), the most widely held and recognised proof of training for platform operators. The PAL Card is valid for five years and shows the machine categories that the operator has been trained in. It also features the holder’s photo and signature, and can be verified by calling IPAF.
Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER)These Regulations (often abbreviated to LOLER) place duties on people and companies who own, operate or have control over lifting equipment. This includes all businesses and organisations whose employees use lifting equipment, whether owned by them or not. In most cases, lifting equipment is also work equipment so the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) will also apply (including inspection and maintenance). All lifting operations involving lifting equipment must be properly planned by a competent person, appropriately supervised and carried out in a safe manner.
LOLER also requires that all equipment used for lifting is fit for purpose, appropriate for the task, suitably marked and, in many cases, subject to statutory periodic ‘thorough examination’. Records must be kept of all thorough examinations and any defects found must be reported to both the person responsible for the equipment and the relevant enforcing authority.